
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Genesis: Sebastião Salgado

Hello readers and readings, how are you?

 I recently went to an art exhibition with my school in a unit of SESC of my city '' Genesis: Sebastião Salgado -Selection Works "
(Sebastião Ribiro Salgado Júnior- Brazilian photographer)
Genesis: Sebastião Salgado
 “Genesis is a journey in search of the planet as it existed ,before modernization accelerate and move away the essential core. It is a search for terrestrial and aquatic landscapes untouched to this day; a journey toward the animals and human groups who managed to escape of the changes required by the contemporary world.
  It is this hidden beauty, defended and protected that Genesis want to share. We do a tribute to this our fragile planet we have a duty to protect”
Lélia Wanick Salgado(spouse of Sebastião Salgado)-Curadora

” The Sebastião Salgado lenses witnessed over the past few decades,precious facets unknown  of the world. And the world through your photos, might reflect on these facets, hitherto veiled. This is especially true in the case of Genesis, exhibition that brings together images taken from 2004 to 2011 in areas that remain untouched by the changes implemented by man.
  As occurred in the series “Trabalhadores” and “Êxodos”, Salgado gets involved in a global-scale enterprise. The difference lies in the role  of the force system the nature, which now and then appear the human being in communion state. Superlative distances, absence of conventional transport means, temperature extremes, altitude and humidity: the questions that away us these contexts reflect in the photographs,metamorphosed into gradations expressive of black and white.”

Danilo Santos de Miranda
(regional director Sesc São Paulo)

‘’In addition to bringing the public eye the beauty of isolated people and great landscapes, Genesis is a call for a fight.
The fact is that we can not continue polluting our soil, water and air. We need to act now to preserve land and water still untouched, and to protect the environment, sanctuary of animal and ancient peoples.
  And we must go further. We should try to reverse the damage.
  Our modest contribution was reforest land in southeastern Brazil. Over the past 15 years the Instituto Terra -our organization non-profit - plant about two million trees, more than 300 different species already have flourished there”
Léli Wanick Salgado
and Sebastião Salgado

Some exposure works


I hope you enjoyed the post..
kisses !

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